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The Feast of Trumpets, also known as Rosh Hashanah, celebrates the new year in Christ. It is believed that God created the world during this time. On this day, a shofar or trumpet is blown to mark the beginning of ten days called the “High Holy Days” or “Days of Awe.” The blowing of the trumpet serves as a “wake-up” call to honor God as King, to remember His goodness and His faithfulness to His people, and to reveal and awaken the conscience and soul of His people. The High Holy Days consist of 10 days of repentance, reflection, and restoration. This period ends on the Day of Atonement.
God’s Days of Rest
As our Church Family prepares to celebrate the Fall Feasts, consider scheduling the following days off from work. In Leviticus 23, God instructs the Israelites to “do no customary work” on specific days associated with the feasts. “No customary work” basically means to take the day off from work. The Lord understands if you have to work, but if you can, take the day off, and enjoy the Lord and your family.
Special Guest Speaker Pastor Kimberly Ray from Angie Ray Ministries
© 2023 Valley Kingdom Ministries International. All rights reserved. Web designed: TS Design Studio