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Digging Deep OATmeal - Observing All Things

Spiritual Foundation Classes – Onsite In Admin Bldg.

Fall 2019



In this 3 Part Series you will confront the GIANTS in your life: such as anger, past hurts and desires of the flesh and be challenged to surrender or suffer.  We will identify, “The Road to Transformation”.  Romans 12:1-2


Week 1 – CONFRONTING YOUR GIANTS – October 2, 2019 – Teacher:  Evang. Sandra Camper

In the first session you will understand that a “Giant” is anything that hinders you from surrendering to the Will of God.  Galatians 5:17

Week 2 –The WAKEUP CALL – October 9, 2019 

Teacher: Pastor Rocheroyl Lowery 

In this session you will finally come to the “end of yourself” realizing that you must “surrender” to the Will of God.

Luke 15 & Romans 13:11

Week 3 – R.I.P. – October 16, 2019 

Teacher: Elder Kim Baker

In this class you are totally surrendering your will to the will of God. You can “Rest In Peace” realizing dying to your flesh is the road to living.  Galatians 2:20



What does NOW FAITH look like & what happens when “God speak to your faith”. FAITH will causes you to be unmovable, because of your focus and trust in God.   Hebrews 11

Week 1 – Determined Faith – October 23, 2019 – Teacher: Elder Della Major

As we look observe Abraham’s Faith we see he trusted God to provide a sacrifice or was willing to offer his son as a sacrifice believing God would raise him up.  Gen. 22:8


Week 2 – Faith Conversations – October 30, 2019 – Teacher: Elder Callie Wilson 

In this session we see Faith that’s so strong that you take any and every challenge or difficulty to God, believing He will fix the situation. Jehoshaphat talked with God and told Him his eyes were upon Him. II Chron. 20:12 (Entire Chapter)


Week 3 – Hearing, Recognizing & Discerning God’s Voice- November 6, 2019

Teacher: Minister Stacy Adams  

You hear so many voices but God’s voice is distinct from all others. We will discuss and give you tools from God’s Word and Holy Spirit to always recognize God’s Voice speaking to you.  John 10:4



In this series Holy Spirit will reintroduce Himself in 3 dimensions:  His Nature, His Personality & His Works.  Come and experience Him in 3 dimensions for yourself.  John 14:26


Week 1 – The Baptism of Holy Spirit vs. The Infilling of Holy Spirit –  November 2, 2019 – 

Teacher:  Elder Callie Wilson

In this session you will understand the difference between, “Baptism of Holy Spirit”, which occurs when you accept Christ and become a part of the family of God.  The Infilling of Holy Spirit or the anointing empowers you, for what?  Come and find out!  Acts 19:1-6


Week 2 – Truth or Consequences – November 20, 2019 – Teacher:  Pastor Jeff Newton

What are some of the myths and untruths concerning Holy Spirit?  He is a person and is not to be referred to as: “it” or “something told me”.  You are to develop a relationship with Holy Spirit or deal with (suffer) the consequences of not recognizing His leadership in your life.  I Corinthians 2:9


Week 3 and 4 – The Nature, Works & Personality of Holy Spirit – December 4 & 11, 2019 – 

Teacher:  Elder Linda Smith

Holy Spirit has a vast number of ways He communicates with us. You will learn or be reminded of Holy Spirit’s personality to comfort, reveal and guide you through the Anointing assignment He releases in you. John 16:13


  • Controversy Segments

Am I My Brother’s Keeper or Killer?:    Am I My Brother’s Keeper or Killer?: So much attention has been given to mass shootings and killings but why don’t black people talk about black-on black crime? There are countless organizations, activists and movements dedicated to the injustice of blacks by police officers and  white supremacy, but what are we doing about the crimes in our communities committed by us? Let’s look at the question Am I My Brother’s Keeper or Killer as we look at The Problem, The Pain & The Plan.

Segment 1: The Problem Airing 10.2.19

Segment 2: The Pain Airing 10.9.16

Segment 3: The Plan Airing 10.16.19

Liberation After Incarceration: Life after prison is a time for new beginnings but it can be a difficult transition. There are so many restrictions on a former inmate’s life that can make it hard to reenter society. In this segment we want to look at some of the challenges that make it hard to adjust back into society and ways family members can help their love ones adjust to life after prison.


Segment 1 Airing 10.23.19

Me Too…Is Anyone Safe:  The Me Too Movement has been the talk and has created new policy in the work place. This movement against sexual harassment and sexual assault has allowed women to find their voices but has it altered the interaction between men and women at the workplace? What is the male perspective of losing everything before being found guilty. Is there a solution? Let’s look at both sides.

Segment Airing 10.30.19

Jesus My Face Book Friend  Segments

Segment 1: Airing 11.6.19

Segment 2: Airing 11.13.19


Segment Airing 11.27.19

Follow Me on IG: Impacting Globally

  • Segment 1 Airing 12.4.19
  • Segment 2 Airing 12.11.19

Family Matters

Segment Airing 12.18.19

Christmas Worship

Segment Airing 12.25.19

Praise Report

Prayer Request