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Seasons Change

“Seasons Change”

Minister Stacy Adams, eBlogger

By now, most of you have heard Apostle H. Daniel Wilson’s recent announcement to VKMI and the eFam. On Father’s Day 2021, our spiritual father said he’s stepping down as Senior Pastor. No, he’s not retiring; and thank God this isn’t an old school transition because he’s gone home to be with the Lord. Yet, it’s a transition just the same. Apostle will still be our spiritual father. However, he’s passing on the baton of the Valley’s daily operations to Pastor Ray Bady. It’s a season of change.

How many times have we experienced seasons of change in our own lives?

All of a sudden, it’s Father’s Day in the spirit and all the focus is on what our heavenly Father wants to happen in our lives. We immediately find ourselves amidst conditions and circumstances beyond our control. And things seem to happen without our vote or say so in the matter.

Sometimes change is all good and filled with promotions, birth announcements, and joyous celebrations. These are the changes we gladly welcome. But what about the ones we never saw coming like that subtle urge to relocate, go back to school, or take a new direction? Or the painfully abrupt ones where there’s a downsizing on the job, a loved one dies, or an unforeseen pandemic erupts. All the same, the season in our lives has suddenly shifted.

These moments seem to be out of the blue and without reason. In our hearts and minds we may question why the sudden change. But today let’s ask ourselves the question, why not?

“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1-4)


This passage of biblical poetry goes on to describe the various facets of life where God ordains change. Just as there is winter, spring, summer, and fall seasons in the Earth, there are changing seasons in our lives as well. So if God orchestrated things in life to change, why do we get so worked up when they do? Because change takes us through a process.

The Process of Change:

  • Change means we’re out of control. In times of change, we’re forced to see that we no longer call the shots and what worked before no longer works for us. Everything feels uncertain. And if we’re really honest, sometimes this makes us feel mad, sad, or somewhere in between.
  • Change means we’re out of our comfort zone. Change takes us to unfamiliar territory. This includes places we’ve never been before, things we’ve never done before, and being around people we’ve never known before. Consequently, change can be scary.
  • Change means going out of our way. It pushes us somewhere new. It means we have to do a little bit more, and go out of our way to make something new happen and succeed. Whether it’s a new location, position, or direction, like the children of Israel preparing to cross the Jordan River we can say, “we have not passed this way before,” (Joshua 3:4).


When we put this all together, change takes us out of the driver’s seat in our own lives. Better yet, it reminds us that we never were the main drivers in the first place. God is!

Rather than getting mad, scared, or frustrated by change, “the process” should remind us to trust in the sovereignty of our Father. These times of change are God’s way of reminding us that while He requires us as believers to have faith, work hard, and do our part to make things happen in our lives – He ultimately is in control of our lives.

“In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will.” (Ephesians 1:11)

We’re watching “the process” of change smoothly play out before us with Apostle and Pastor Ray. They are an example of how life can flow when we embrace a new change.

When life makes a sudden turn, yes, it takes us time to process “the process.” This is natural. God knows we’re human and not robots or animals. He created us to reason, have emotions, mourn a loss, contemplate life. Yet we’re left with the understanding that sometimes seasons simply do change. In those moments we must trust God’s sovereignty and know He has a greater plan awaiting us in our new season (Isaiah 43:18-19).

Min. Stacy Adams, 



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