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Educational System

Educational System extends beyond the “black boards” and classroom. Our objective is to teach, train and develop for life empowerment. The history of our educational system has its roots firmly planted in the Word of God. Originally, we were taught to be successful in life, everything must revolve around our Creator. After the initial study of the Word came reading, math, and science. As the years have passed the enemy has crept into this area of influence using such tools as humanism and atheism, which are taught daily in our educational system and consequently molds the minds of the learner, as opposed to the Word of God.

Our assignment in the 21st century is to reclaim this system by placing the creative thinking, strategies, and influence back into the hands of the creative people of God. The training up of a child (Proverbs 22:6 and II Timothy 2:15) begins the process of building a Godly creative mind. Exposing your gift and surrendering it to the hands of the creator is a start.



Digging Deep Bible Study, Rhema Word (Sunday School) Curriculum Development, Kingdom Key University and New Members Class,  S.A.V.E.: Success Achieving Victory in Education-Scholarship Ministry, As1 Cafe’, C.A.R.E OutReach: Christ’s Arms Reaching by Education 

VKMI 2021 Graduate Acknowledgment

Hello Valley Family, 

It’s a Celebration!!  If you are members of VKMI and a 2021 graduate, the System of Education and the SAVE scholarship ministry are honoring your scholastic achievements!  Please click the link below to fill out the information.  

If you are a High School Senior, we will need  2 additional pictures (If you are an athlete, one picture should be in your sport attire), and your college information.

All submissions (including pictures) are due by May 19th (No exceptions will be made for late submissions). 


Please click the link to https://form.123formbuilder.com/5900639/form


Contact: DMAJOR@vkmi.org

Praise Report

Prayer Request