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Media System

To produce forms of communication built on honesty & integrity, designed to reach & influence the masses.

Media is the mouthpiece of the Systems. Whether you know it or not, one of the most powerful ways that you can influence today’s culture is through the System of Media. For example, churches around the world that normally meet on Sunday morning can only reach the audience that’s present in the facility. Because of media sources like live streaming, we are now capable of reaching the World. Media has a tremendous impact on our daily lives but honestly when it comes to most forms of media, many people feel lost. Most people believe media only includes duplicating tapes, cd’s, controlling the sound system or running a camera. Although media plays a great part in the church it’s not limited to the church. For so long the enemy has made Christians believe that they can only affect the System of Media by what they do in the four walls of the church. Don’t allow those stumbling blocks to distort the power of media. In Matt 16:23 Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men. “

The reason that many of us in the church stumble with media is because when it comes to media sometimes, we have blinders on. Blinders will have your vision focused in only on the Church but KINGDOM vision will take you from the Church to the World.

So, it’s time to get your mindset out of the box of religion and let your minds soar in the KINGDOM Media is EVERYWHERE! Media includes books, magazine, television, audio forms, newspapers, social networking, and any other tool used to transport a message. The System of Media is the mouthpiece of the Seven Systems. As Mark 16:15 states, and then he told them, “You are to go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone, we must reclaim the system of media to spread the gospel of the Kingdom. Media is not just a form of information but a way to influence nations!

The reason that many of us in the church stumble with media is because when it comes to media sometimes we have blinders on. Blinders will have your vision focused in only on the Church but KINGDOM vision will take you from the Church to the World.

So it’s time to get your mindset out of the box of religion and let your minds soar in the KINGDOM Media is EVERYWHERE! Media includes books, magazine, television, audio forms, newspapers, social networking, and any other tool used to transport a message. The Mountain of Media is the mouthpiece of the Seven Mountains. As Mark 16:15 states, and then he told them, “You are to go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone, we must reclaim the mountain of media to spread the gospel of the Kingdom. Media is not just a form of information but a way to influence nations!


Kingdom News / KTV, Print Media, Sunday and Wednesday Worship Support, Information Technology Live Streaming Events / Webinars, Social Networking (Face Book, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube & Skype), Podcasting, Blog Radio, I’m Jus’ Sayn (live talk show), Broadcast Media, Film Production, Telecommunications


Charles Spurlin & Sheila Teat

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